Saturday 5 November 2011

How About an Apple? (repost)

How about an Apple?
What does this question make you think of?
A fruit?
Some cool gimmicky tech item?
In fact, this question may have been around for longer than the past 2 decades.
Lets look back a long long time ago.., like long long time ago. All the way back to the time of Genesis.
There was this creature called the serpent, who was quite crafty. He may also have asked the same question.
Hey check out this apple! It's awesome! Man, why do u wanna eat the same boring stuff everyday. This apple will make you much happier and fulfilled.Why don't you take it? Don’t you feel your life is missing something if you dun have it? Your life could be way way better. This changes everything. C’mon, you know you want it. You can have it all, and be happy!
Sound familiar?
 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it Genesis 3 : 6
So the question is, did you take a bite?

Chomp chomp!

Quote from the late Steve Jobs

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